Fully automatic
SATEC CONCEPT® 3 have been successfully tried and tested for several decades.
Process control and operating menus are constantly adapted to new specifications and customer requirements.
For many years now, high-precision dosing components have ensured a dosing accuracy well above the legally required standards. The machine components are assembled in close consultation with the customer – a CONCEPT which has found many enthusiastic users worldwide.
Probably no other manufacturer throughout the world has gathered more experience with rotor-stator coating machines.
Let us know what you want and we will be glad to make an offer to match your particular specifications – the size and number of mixing chambers, the number of different doses and outputs, particular installation requirements, peripheral devices, …
Is secondary drying needed for your process? Here again you can depend on our many years’ experience and on the know-how of our specialists. We will draw up a customised solution on the basis of your process data.